The future becomes more
Green, Safe, Healthy.

Venture spirit is in our DNA.
Backing entrepreneurs and Investing in
Seed, Series A and beyond.


THI venture capital’s primary objective is to be the partner of choice for great companies as they grow. Our team works with companies to help them unleash their full potential and continue to grow. We help companies their competitive position by expanding into new markets (mainly in China), growing productivity and strengthening their operations.

THI views portfolio companies as long-term partners, only long-term engagement enables us to assess the key success factors for growing companies. We can provide additional investments in case they grow and expand their businesses in China. Our team closely support companies for enhancing their Chinese operations.

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Learn more about our venture capital. For additional information, please Contact Us.

THI Venture Capital By the Numbers



Executing the strategy since 2020


Portfolio companies

As of December 31,2021


VC fund

Executing the strategy since 2020